The CO2 Power Jet is intended to electronically blow white smoke plumes of CO2 from a distance.
- As soon as the CO2 leaves the cylinder through the CO2 Power Jet’s secured high-pressure hoses, it converts into gas.
- This formation of gas is accompanied by a strong hissing sound and a solid white plume of smoke will be visible.
- The length of this plume is on average 8 metres. This depends on the air humidity: in case of a high degree of air humidity, the smoke plume will be larger and in case of a low degree of air humidity it will be smaller.
- The CO2 Power Jet must be connected to a carbon dioxide (CO2) bottle with dip pipe.
- The CO2 Power Jet is not suitable for other gases than those described above.
- Any use other than that described above will exclude your supplier from any liability.
- CO2 (liquid with a dip pipe)
Max. Distance